WeCare Digital Health Platforms
Mega Lifesciences has committed USD 10 million for this project over the next 8-10 years for betterment of healthcare for communities through deep-tech and other technological applications.
Over 1,200 patients and healthcare professionals onboard and this number will only multiply and grow exponentially.
The WeCare Digital Health Platform of Mega Lifesciences has been conceived with a mandate to create meaningful impact in healthcare information and care delivery. Our digital products are clinical in nature, endorsed and vetted by specialists. To this end, we work directly with health consumers and providers; doctors, coaches, nurses and pharmacies.
Organisations are microcosms of the society and the environment where they come from and for us, any meaningful growth cannot be without that holistic thought as one of our guiding principles.

Our digital offerings; WeCare Diabetes post soft launch,WeCare Mother n Child in Beta, WeCare TeleHealth (internal use), WeCare Wellness in pilot phase have all been selected in conditions where the user requires the most engagement with the care provider. All these conditions necessitate multiple consultations, numerous yet timely alerts, early addressal of impending complications and improving quality of life. Bringing our digital solutions into these conditions thus helps create the maximum impact vis a vis time, effort, finances saved.
Mega, as a strategy works in countries and markets which are developing in nature, with large disease burden and limited care facilities. Healthcare systems, additionally, tend to be concentrated in few cities in each country with specialty care virtually non existent outside those.
Our Digital Health offerings, once embedded, have a huge potential to democratise quality care across these populations. As with other Mega initiatives, the effort to understand the population and then localise offerings for them is the way we plan ahead.
A short note on technology-These are connected software applications, made available native on all platforms and hosted on the Cloud, thus limiting the carbon footprint to a bare minimum. For comprehensiveness, we integrate with necessary hardware eg. Home based clinical devices and wearables. Our dependency on tech support is also limited as all aspects are managed centrally. Minimal local support staff manages the operations.

WeCare Digital Health Platforms
Employing Deep-Teach to Improve Health care for Communities Worldwide
Specifics and Examples
At this point we have the maximum experience from our WeCare Diabetes platform. We have more than 1,200 patients connected to doctors and coaches on our platform in Myanmar. Taking a single doctors example, 35% of his patients on the platform are from outside Yangon.
Distances range from 50 to 320 miles, all the way to Rakhine and Shan state - urban, semi urban to rural areas. The advice and care oversight they have now obviates the need to be in the vicinity of high end core focities, and in real time. Please go through some of the patient testimonials attached along with*
For the upcoming offering, the WeCare Mother and Child platform has had good reviews in all ourinitial discussions.
A conservative estimate of travel and man hours saved per person over a year is x kms and x hours. The cost of care in addition saved over prevented redundancies and complications is substantial.

The impact in the community and the healthcare benefits we aim to bring is on similar lines across our WeCare Digital plotforms. Again, this is being rolled out into our other markets in a systematic manner post due diligence of need and localised requirements.
Based on the above, we plan to scale to 4 markets in 2023, 8 by 2024 and 12 by 2025. Projected number of users are to reach 50,000 + by 2025. By Year 24-25, we will also add significantly more self-managed tools based on our data learnings and continuing market research.
Society and Environment
Mega Lifesciences has always been conscious of the impact that we make on the society and environment. Consciously, all our activities, at concept stage itself incorporates best practices. However, we have an opportunity to go beyond mandate in many cases. This is one such where we can marry the societal need with prudent use of technology, mindful of local contexts and create lasting and sustainable impact in one of the most draining of human challenges-healthcare. In this
initiative, keeping our physical footprint small, making access of care and information where the user is and enabling providers to reach out digitally-we have already started this meaningful impact. This is the beginning-we aim to update you with increasingly better numbers and stories of our users in the coming years.