Code of Conduct and complimenting policies – Integrity in dealings and secure working environment

Mega Lifesciences conducts business with high levels of integrity and aims to provide a secure workplace to its employees in and beyond its physical workplaces. Mega Lifesciences also encourages and makes it a mandatory qualification for its suppliers to respect human rights including safety of those under their employment.

Mega Lifesciences does not wish to compromise on the health, wellbeing and safety of its employees at its workplaces and beyond. The Company wishes to follow the laws of the territory in which it operates and any transnational laws which are binding upon the company by reason of its contractual relationships.

Mega Lifesciences follows a principled stance on Bribery and conduct in marketing. The Company has a detailed Anti-Bribery Policy and a Marketing Code of Conduct to ensure integrity in business dealing.

Mega Lifesciences takes pride in its values of Truth, Trust, Respect and Freedom at work place.


Mega Lifesciences has a suite of policies which focusses the strategy and operations of the Company on a path of integrity, compliance and strict tenets of governance. The Code of Conduct and the complimenting policy suite serve as a moral barometer for the Company its governance, strategy and operations.

Organizational Enablement
Board of Directors
Audit Committee
Business Ethics and Code of Conduct
The Audit Committee overseas the corporate governance of the Company And is also in charge of the business ethics and code of conduct.
Business Ethics and Code of Conduct
Marketing Code of Conduct.
Anti - Bribery Policy
Human Rights Policy
Anti-Discrimination and Anti-Harrasment Policy
Supplier Code of Conduct
Health Safety and Environment Policy
Competition Policy
Non - Retaliation Policy
Whistle Blower Policy
Data Protection Policy

Business Ethics and Code of Conduct is a Foundation Document for All The Policies

Compliance with the Code is mandatory for Directors, Executives, Management and employees of the Company, Subsidiaries, Associates and Joint Ventures including those on deputation in or out of the Company and all the employees in the value chain for which the Company has laid down a Supplier’s Code of Conduct.

Non-compliances with the code would lead to strict disciplinary action including termination of employment as per the laws of the Territory in which the individual is employed.

Employees of the Company or those to whom this Code is applicable are free to report a violation to and the Company shall deal with such reported violations as per the principles of our Whistleblower policy and Non-Retaliation policy

Understand the framework of the Code in general and in greater details of those sections that apply to your job specifically. You should have a good understanding of the issues, the Company’s stance and policies.

It is a responsibility of all Senior Managers to ensure that we bring in a culture of compliance to this code. Leaders share the responsibility to gather feedback and take remedial actions when employees bring up any concerns to ensure compliance with this code.

Dealing with Suppliers

Mega shall deal with all suppliers in a fair manner and ensure that the business is conducted at most competitive prices and mutually rewarding. It is in Mega’s interest to ensure that the suppliers remain make a reasonable profit and drive innovation and sustainability in their businesses to become a long term partner. Parameters such a Price, Quality, Environmental protection, technical and regulatory expertise, reliability and integrity shall be guiding forces for enlisting a supplier. Mega Lifesciences and/or its employees shall in no way benefit from or pass any benefit to the supplier other than the written terms in the contract. Related Party transactions shall be as per the Related Party Transactions Policy and shall be reported as per applicable laws.

Mega Lifesciences shall ensure that only good quality products and services shall be provided to customers and Mega shall strive to innovate through constant improvement the products and services. The employees shall maintain good relationships with customers and make a positive difference in their lives and in the lives of their customers. Mega Lifesciences shall deal with its customers in a fair and dignified manner and encourage the customers and their customers to maintain a healthy life. Related Party transactions shall be as per the Related Party Transactions Policy and shall be reported as per applicable laws

Mega Lifesciences expects its employees to live by the Mega way of fairness and integrity in dealings with government agencies. Our products are sold to Hospitals and other government agencies. Mega shall ensure good quality products and fair transactions. Mega or its employees will not compromise on quality or in compliance with the laws of the land in which the business is situated.

Mega Lifesciences expects its employees to provide the best products and make a positive difference in the lives of our consumers (ultimate customers). The employees shall promote a healthy way of life and loyal customers through a win-win system of dealing.

Employment terms shall be clear in writing and free from any discrimination. New recruitment procedures shall be transparent and fair. Mega Lifesciences shall ensure that the right education, training and growth opportunities are provided to employees and encourage professional development. Mega Lifesciences provides a fair and transparent environment with clear performance criteria and performance evaluation processes.

Mega Lifesciences shall provide equal employment opportunity to all within the framework of the law of land in which it is located. People of any gender, race, caste, religion or nationality shall be considered for employment and treated as equals at work. Employment policies shall reflect the fairness and equality. Any behavior in violation of this policy shall be treated as hostile and appropriate management action shall be taken. Mega Lifesciences shall respect the individual differences and respect each other for what they are.

Employees of Mega Lifesciences must strive to adhere to the companies policies, guidelines, objectives and values and shall make sincere efforts to drive productivity and performance. They must measure up to the Trust and Freedom entrusted by the company on them.

Employees shall share a cordial relationship with each other and encourage each other to achieve company’s goals. Employees shall respect each other’s differences and shall nurture a climate of trust and respect.

Employees shall provide an environment of self development and growth to their subordinates and live and practice the Mega way of life. Employees shall be honest and open with their supervisors and cooperate with their senior in implementing the company’s policies.

Mega Lifesciences strictly prohibits sexual or any other kind of harassment of employees by any person in the workplace or while conducting the Company’s business.

Mega Lifesciences shall ensure that all business transactions promote sustainability of environment and environmental issues like health and safety, pollution, etc are seriously addressed in all its policies and actions.

  • Compliance with environmental laws and those relating to safety and health of employees and society
  • Issues concerning product efficacy and product liabilities
  • Invest in technologies which promote sustainability of environment
  • Safety in handling and disposal of hazardous and toxic materials
  • Optimal utilization of natural resources like water and others like electricity
  • Working conditions such as lighting, layouts, health signs, etc in the factories

Mega Lifesciences shall prohibit employees from entertaining any insider trading practices. Those with privileged information shall have a responsibility not to divulge any information, including but not limited to, financial results, Information Technology, Business strategies, Business transactions, policy changes, etc. The company shall strictly follow the insider trading guidelines of the Stock exchange on which it’s equity shares are listed.

Mega Lifesciences shall follow and abide by all the laws of the country where it is located. The company shall ensure compliance with all commercial, tax and other laws and all the employees shall be encouraged to highlight any compliance issues to their superior.

Mega Lifesciences and its employees shall not infringe any Intellectual Property, Patents or any other service marks or any other form of intellectual property belonging to a third party without explicit approval from such party. Mega Lifesciences’ proprietary information shall consist of its Trademarks, Service Marks, Patents, Dossiers, CDs, Contracts, Supplier data, Customer data, Trade terms, Commercial details, Business strategies, etc and such other information which gives any privilege or business advantage to Mega Lifesciences. Employees shall:

  • Not Disclose such information to any 3rd party without approval from the company
  • Maintain confidentiality even when they are no longer in services with Mega Lifesciences
  • Not use any of this information for personal benefits All such information and any other confidential information remains confidential until the company decides to divulge it in public.

Mega Lifesciences promotes healthy labour practices. The company and employees shall comply with the relevant labour laws. The company shall strongly discourage exploitation of children, child labour, physical abuse and any other form of services which may be of involuntary in nature. The company shall provide healthy working conditions as per the law and even better. The management shall take strict disciplinary action in the event of violation of this clause.

We at Mega Lifesciences are aware of our responsibilities to invest the money and do the business as per the stated business objectives and uphold the interest of shareholders and safeguard shareholders assets and interests. Our shareholders are important stake holders and we are accountable to them for a good conduct of business with integrity, transparency and fairness.

Mega Lifesciences respects the Human rights and seeks to create an environment of equal opportunity to work and excel in Mega Lifesciences. The company shall strive to create relationships such suppliers and customers who promote human rights and provide equal opportunity to all employees from different sections of the society.

All employees of Mega Lifesciences are expected to strictly follow the IT policies of the company and ensure data secrecy and privacy of personal data.

All employees of Mega are expected to disclose to the company any situations which result or can result in a conflict of interest. The employees shall disclose to their superiors any suppliers, customers or any 3rd parties with which the company does any business transaction who are related to the employee. Mega Lifesciences strictly prohibits and discourages undisclosed conflict of Interest and expects employees to address such situation by disclosing the name of the party, nature of relationship and the details of the contract with such party.

The Policy prescribes the procedures and limits for

  • Gifts
  • Entertainment
  • Donations
  • Dealings with government officers
  • Conduct with Health Care Professionals and Hospitals
  • Employees with links to government
  • Prohibition of political activities
  • Prohibition of facilitation payments
  • Accounting and reporting for gifts, etc
  • Audits and whistle blowing

The code lays down guidelines including limits for

  • Gifts to Healthcare professionals
  • Promotional Aids
  • Items of medical utility
  • Samples
  • Conduct and association with patient organizations
  • Patient education and Support
  • Medical representatives
  • Promotional Materials
  • Product related and off-label claims
  • Symposia and Congress

This Human Rights policy is aligned in letter and spirit with the following:

  • Universal declaration of Human rights and United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGP)
  • Fundamental conventions identified by the International Labor Organization
  • Prohibition of Child Labor, Forced Labor and modern day slavery
  • Prohibition for sexual and other harassment
  • Right to Collective Bargaining
  • Environment Health and Safety at work place
  • Community Engagement
  • Security at work place
  • Drug Safety
  • Data Safety
  • Non-Retaliation and Whistle blowing

This Code ensures the implementation of Business Ethics and Code of Conduct Human rights, Sustainability Policy, Safety, Anti-Harassment and Anti-Bribery policies of Mega Lifesciences.

This Policy covers the guidelines for competition including compliance with competition laws of the territory including fair pricing and trading practices.