Dear Stakeholders,
I am proud to present our second sustainability report on the GRI framework and United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDG). The report covers Mega Lifescience’s philosophy, strategy and practices for achieving a sustainable Company and workplace. The report covers the Economic, Social and Environmental aspects of Mega way of life. Central to the Mega Way in all of the 34 countries where we do business is the concept of Creating Shared Value. To us, that means going beyond the traditional parameters of Corporate Social Responsibility. It means embracing an entire philosophy of generating economic value while achieving social value. Simultaneously it means connecting our success to the success of the communities where we operate. It means practicing what we preach in terms of caring for Human Wellness - economic wellness, physical wellness, and social wellness. The world has witnessed an unprecedented pandemic and businesses were exposed to serious risks and continuity was threatened. Mega Lifesciences has chosen to elevate its involvement to uplift the communities and businesses. Mega Lifesciences has leveraged its sustainable business practices to build a more resilient company with a enriched/enabled workforce and a better planet through sustainable environmental practices.
From building talent and creating jobs in the markets where we work, to spreading the wisdom of self-care, to successfully pursuing ISO certification for our facilities, Creating Shared Value is not just at the periphery of what we do: it is at the center of it.
Mega We care for People
Mega Lifesciences has championed a Strengths Based Outcome Management system (SBOMS) which is a performance evaluation system that focuses on strengths. Mega Lifesciences has also launched a Good Health BY Yourself GHBY® program to enable our employees and business partners to be sensitive about their health issues including Non-Communicable Disease which is a silent killer in the current times. Living in the world we have a responsibility to help build a society that is sustainable and will live and grow beyond us. We start with this at home by helping create a healthy environment for our own team. So they enjoy good health. A good environment that accepts failures and encourages opinions. A place where people have fun and their mental wellbeing is not compromised by the demands of results. An environment where employees learn to stay healthy by making lifestyle changes. As a company we have a role to help the world we live in, so they can all stay healthy as long as they live. Our wellness we care center is at the center of spreading knowledge and behavior change among our country men and women, so they can prevent and reverse chronic diseases. Thereby reducing the financial burden on countries, on families and on themselves. And freeing themselves to remain active and enjoy moments of their lives. It is our social endeavor to spread this message to the world where we operate. We offer comprehensive medical coverage to employees in markets where this is often unheard of, with annual check-ups and individualized advice on healthy living along with incentives for pursuing healthy ways of life.
Mega We care for Communities
We have programs which are focused on cer tain communities and locations including health screening, scholarships, donations, patronage for institutions. We organized marathons in Vietnam and Myanmar. We donated rice in Cambodia and sponsored pharmaceutical studies for lesser privileged. Mega Lifesciences prepared COVID care kits and reached out to various sections of the society. A common understanding is to build resilient societies and the intent of our outreach is to enhance our relationship with out stakeholders. Our Corporate Social Responsibility or community outreach is also a primary objective of Mega Wellness Foundation. The activities are in line with the UNSDGs. Creating Shared Value or Sustainability is not just philanthropy or reports. Nevertheless, it makes us proud to be able to plow a significant proportion of our profits back into the communities where we work to achieve sustainable growth benefiting all.
Innovations for communities: Mega Lifesciences has implemented mobile phone applications to connect patients, healthcare professionals and pharmacies. Mega has launched this project on pilot basis in Myanmar and has onboarded more than 5,000 (2022 : 1,000) patients to connect with the healthcare ecosystem. The program was landed in Kenya in year 2023 Mega Lifesciences has committed approximately USD 10 million over next 8-10 years for this project.
Mega We care for Environment
We want to play our role in conserving the environment and for this we will do everything possible from using solar energy to LED lights to reducing waste in our operation and use single use plastics that can be recycled among many other initiatives and going paperless in many areas. We have installed solar plants in Thailand manufacturing facility, Myanmar Distribution center and Australia manufacturing facility. The solar plants have collectively saved 1,210 ton (2022: 863 ton) CO₂ emissions. We have invested USD 2.10 million in installing the above solar plants and have achieved a saving of USD 302,000 in costs of electricity. Australia and Thailand manufacturing facilities have installed 100% LED lighting.
Innovations to make this planet cleaner and safer: Mega Lifesciences has invested Thai baht 1.5 million to achieve efficiencies in electrical usage of chillers in the Thailand manufacturing plant resulting in net savings of 337 tons of CO₂ emissions and Thai Baht 2.5 million per annum.
Motion and time sensor switches have been installed in the Thailand manufacturing plant resulting in net savings of 29 tons of CO₂ emissions by investing Thai Baht 100,000.
Improved roller in feed sealing station has resulted in a reduction of waste by 2.88% thus resulting in a net saving of 581 kgs. of waste per annum.
Improvement of carton design lead to reduction of 834 kgs. of waste per annum.
Mega We care for values
We care for our core values of Truth, Trust Respect and Freedom and these also have become our guiding posts for Governance. We have a responsibility to follow the rules in every part of our business including revenue and tax and Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and product quality and to build a culture where it is way of life to work honestly, where we do not promote outcomes that drive employees to cheat, lie and find short cuts. The pursuit of profit cannot be above our values/purpose.
Recognitions/ Achievements in year 2023.
- Mega Lifesciences has been assigned ESG A rating by Stock Exchange of Thailand.
- Mega Lifesciences is a certified member of the Collective Alliance against Corruption (CAC).
- Mega Lifesciences has been assigned A rating by MSCI for sustainability.