Mega Lifesciences is committed to the Health and Safety of its employees. The Company promotes Human Wellness. We aim to provide a healthy working environment to our employees and we also aim extend it across our value chain.

We have a practice to promote safe practices and promote Good Health By Yourself among employees.

We have also implemented mechanisms to measure the accidents in the form of Fatality rates, Injury rates, etc (LTIFR) and also publish the same in our Sustainability report.

The Company has a robust monitoring mechanism for working hours lost due to injuries, acceidents, etc not only within the premises but also across our value chain. The Company has a OHS policy which clearly lays down the obligations of the Company to train its employees and have a system to ensure that work place accidents are reduced/ minimized and possibly zero rates.

We arrange protective equipment such PPE uniforms, masks, helmets and we have separate instructions for working on heights, working in hot places and electrical work. We also have enclosed work environment which is dust and hazard proofed for employees. We provide trainings to employees. We have a risk-managed OHS system in place and we have recently received a zero injury award.

Highlights of our program:

  • Standardized processes
  • Detailed Program
  • Training of employees
  • Transparency - Management reporting and public disclosure


Step 1 :
Mega Lifesciences screens it processes and conducts a risk assessment.
Step 2 :
Preparing a detailed Standard Operating Procedure / process mapping.
Step 3 :
Training of employees is conducted regularly to ensure that workflows are not disturbed.
Step 4 :
Recording work place injuries and ensuring medical and other treatment is provided to employees. We also provide health insurance and have arranged contracts with hospitals. We also conduct regular health checkups and arrange vaccines for flu, COVID etc.

Work place features:

First aid kits provided in all work places to ensure prompt first aid to affected employees.
Adequate lighting to ensure work place visibility and promote mental health
Programs for physical wellbeing including sports clubs to promote yoga, running, badminton, etc
Healthy activities and competitions including matches for soccer, badminton, BMI race, etc
Maternity and Paternity leave: We provide minimum maternity leave as per law and we also provide a paternity leave for our employees to promote gender neutrality.
Child care and other facilities like share based payments, provident funds, etc
Transportation by company bus for employees in the factory
Mega Lifesciences provides a hygienic and well equipped pantry and drinking water for welfare of our employees
Flexi-hours provided to ensure a work-life balance

Training for Sustainability

Improved focus on safety training

  • Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR) has reduced from 1.03 in 2021 to 0.59 (-43%) in year 2022 and reduced to 0.35 (41%) in year 2023
  • Total lost days and ISR has reduced 40%
  • 2024 Target to reduce accident to zero

Introduction and basic safety

Basic firefighting

Safety for contractors

Safety Pyramid - Employee

Improvement - Skill & Competency

  • Training 15 Courses
  • Attendance 2,393 including contractor
  • Total training 3,851 hours
  • Average training 3.93 hours per person
2024 Training need SAFETY
  • Maintain cross under S law
  • Safety risk and right safety instruction in their jobs such as WI-Machine operation, WI-chemical handling, and confined space
  • Build safety awareness via activities

Safety Pyramid - Employee

Build safety awareness to be a safe workplace

To not repeat any past accident and to reduce the LTA from 0.35 to 0.09 ( 4 cases to 1)
3Es (Education, Engineering, Emphasize/Enforcement)
  • Maintain the existing standard
  • Accident reduction by Eliminate unsafe act(s)/Unsafe conditions
  • Build skill and awareness
  • Build engagement across the plant via OHS Activities and visible One Point Lesson (OPL)
2024 Plan:
Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4
  • GOAL Alignment and cascade to shopfloor
  • Established ACTIVITIES plan
  • Established TRAINING Plan
  • OHS Process review on a monthly basis
  • Safety promotion Reward/Recognition
  • RISK Assessment report/Mitigation plan
  • Unaccept Unsafe condition & unsafe behavior (Selected) in workplace
  • OHS Assessment rating/Scoring
  • Develop Safety model (SGA activities/Safety leader)
  • OHS Internal audit
  • Management Review