Business Ethics and Code of Conduct

Mega Lifesciences has a robust system of implementation of Business Ethics and Code of Conduct. The Company has a training module prepared for business ethics and code of conduct. The Company adopts the following:
- Regular awareness and training sessions minimum once in three (03) years for all employees.
- Use of online education platform to assign trainings to employees.
- New employees are encouraged to read and understand the business ethics and code of conduct among other policies.
- Approximately 1,200 hours of training in year 2023 and 1,050 hours of training in year 2024.
- Q&A developed for better understanding of the code of conduct.
- Company has formed procedures for reporting any violations of business ethics and code of conduct.
- Company has assigned email IDs and for reporting any matters related to violation/ non-compliance of business ethics and code of conduct.
- Company has a non-retaliation policy for those who report any violations.
- Company has implemented a conflict of interest form to be signed by employees.
- Company has also separate policies for anti-corruption, marketing code of ethics, etc.